MCCA Housing License

  1. Students who have applied for housing, submitted a $200 housing/security deposit and are matriculated full-time at Monroe Community College (the “College”) are eligible. "Full-time" is defined as - twelve (12) credit hours or more; this includes hours added during the drop-add period. Students must meet all health requirements and be in good conduct standing. To be eligible for a room assignment, students must be registered full-time. Students must be enrolled full-time each semester to reside in the residence halls. If a resident falls below the credit hour requirement during the semester, eligibility to reside in the halls may be revoked and this agreement terminated by The MCC Association, Inc. (the “Association”).
  2. Current students are eligible for the intersession option if enrolled for three (3) or more credits during intersession and if they are returning for spring semester. Students must complete and submit an intersession application with the required intersession housing fees. Housing fees for intersession may not be covered by financial aid. Applications must be submitted to the Campus Center Service desk with payment by the deadline.
  3. The cost of housing for 2024 - 2025 is:  Single room: $4,200 per semester, $8,400 per academic year; D Room Single: $4,075 per semester, $8,150 per academic year; Double room: $3,650 per semester, $7,300 per academic year. The housing agreement will be binding for the entire academic year; therefore, students will be financially responsible for both semesters unless the Housing and Residence Life Department is able to re-establish occupancy. Students requesting to vacate due to graduation, internship, military enlistment or transfer must notify Housing by December 1st, or the first business day of December, and provide supporting documentation by January 15, 2025. Payments are due by the published payment deadlines. Students who fail to make payment by the due date(s) may have an academic hold placed on their account or their housing contract cancelled. Students intending to pay for housing, tuition and fees with financial aid are encouraged to file for financial aid no later than March 11, 2024. Any balance due after estimated aid is applied must be paid before students will be admitted into the residence halls. If the balance due is not paid within 15 days after the scheduled occupancy date, the Association may reassign the room. In such circumstances the Association will retain the student’s housing/security deposit, and the student will remain financially obligated as and to the extent provided in paragraph 5 under “Refunds and Forfeitures” below.
  4. Students must be 18 years of age by December 31, 2024 to reside in the residence halls; exceptions by permission of Director of Housing and Residence Life.
  5. The Association reserves the right to make room assignments and reassignments as necessary.
  6. Housing is limited; students are not guaranteed a room, a specific room assignment, or a specific roommate.
  7. Residents are permitted to have a vehicle on campus but must park in the designated areas for residential students. Parking permits can be purchased for an additional fee per semester paid at the Campus Center Service desk.
  8. Health requirements are mandatory and must be complete prior to admittance into the residence halls. New York State Public Health Law 2165 requires all post-secondary students attending colleges and universities to demonstrate proof of immunity against measles, mumps, rubella and meningitis (or a signed waiver). Immunization for Hepatitis B is strongly recommended. For more information, visit Health Services (, or by phone at (585) 292-2018.
  9. Proof of current comprehensive insurance coverage is required. Residents covered by health insurance that is equal to or more comprehensive than the policy available through the College must certify to that effect to receive a waiver. Students must submit the name and policy number of their insurance carrier to the Health Services Office. The purchase of student health insurance coverage through an identified vendor is available at an additional cost to the student.
  10. Individuals who, in the opinion of the Vice President for Student Services endanger the health and safety of oneself or others are not eligible for residence housing. Registered Sex Offenders at risk to re-offend according to New York State law or the law of any other jurisdiction represent an immediate risk or clear and present danger and are not eligible for residence housing.
  11. This housing agreement is not a lease, does not create an interest or right in real property, and may be terminated by the Association as provided herein or in published Association or College policies, procedures, rules and/or regulations.

Inspection and Occupancy

  1. The Association reserves the right to allow authorized personnel to enter into the living area or resident's room at any time.
  2. Public Safety and Residence Hall staff may, at any time and for any lawful reason, deny person(s) access to the residence halls and/or require person(s) to leave college property.
  3. Residents may not assign, sublease or otherwise transfer their rights of occupancy created by this agreement in whole or in part. Any purported assignment, sublease or transfer will be void.
  4. All residence hall students are responsible for the whereabouts, possessions and behaviors of their guests.
  5. All person(s) entering the residence halls are required to present a valid photo ID and may be subject to search of person or property. No weapons, alcohol, drugs, or non-tobacco smoking products or paraphernalia are permitted on the premises for any reason.
  6. The Housing and Residence Life Staff will inspect the room and suites weekly, and as otherwise required as determined by authorized Staff to be necessary or advisable in the interest of health, safety and/or compliance with Association and/or College policies, procedures, rules and/or regulations.
  7. The residence hall buildings will only be used for residential purposes; no solicitation or commercial use of the property is allowed.
  8. During the fall semester, residents may move into the halls prior to classes during designated times. Residents must vacate the halls during the Thanksgiving Recess and at the close of the Fall semester students must vacate the halls 24 hours after their last final exam. Residents enrolled in intersession classes and who have paid the additional housing fees by the deadline may return the day before Intersession begins; all other residents may return the day before classes begin for the spring semester. Residents must vacate the halls during Winter and Spring recesses. At the end of the Spring semester, residents must vacate the halls 24 hours after their last final exam. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or his/her designee. Any personal belongings remaining in the resident's assigned room following the applicable departure time (or earlier termination of occupancy as provided in this agreement) may be disposed of by the Association in its sole discretion without further notice to the resident.
  9. A resident choosing to terminate the housing agreement is required to meet with the Director of Housing and Residence Life or designee to discuss the financial consequences. If a housing agreement is terminated for any reason, the resident must return all keys or other access control devices to a Housing and Residence Life staff member and vacate his/her room immediately.
  10. Students who reside in the residence halls must comply with the College's Student Handbook, the Association’s Housing and Residence Life Policy Manual, and all other applicable College and/or Association policies, procedures, rules and/or regulations. Any violations by students which pose a risk to health or safety may result in immediate termination of this agreement. In addition, students may be removed from the residence halls (and their housing agreements will be terminated by the Association) as provided in the College’s student disciplinary procedures and/or other applicable College and/or Association policies, procedures, rules and/or regulations.
  11. Neither the Association nor the College will be liable for any personal injuries sustained by resident or by any of resident’s guests or invitees in or about resident’s room, suite or other areas in or about the residence hall, or for any loss of, damage to or theft of resident’s personal belongings or those of resident’s guests or invitees, resulting from any cause whatsoever unless the injury, loss, damage or theft is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Association or the College. The resident releases the Association, the College, and their respective trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and representatives from any and all claims resident may have in the future, waives all such claims, and agrees not to sue the Association, the College, and/or their respective trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and/or representatives for any such claims, for liability arising out of any such injury, loss, damage or theft, including but not limited to claims arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of any or all of the foregoing persons/entities or others.


The Association’s exercise of, or failure to exercise, any right or remedy under this agreement will not be considered a waiver of any other right or remedy or of the right to exercise that or any other right or remedy in the future. Any change to this agreement must be in writing and signed on behalf of the Association to be effective. This agreement will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. Jurisdiction of any litigation with respect to this contract will be in New York, with venue in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction located within the geographic boundaries of the federal Northern District of New York. If any portion of this contract is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms will continue in full force and effect.

Please go to the MCC Student Code of Conduct webpage to view the College’s Code of Conduct.